The Importance of
Estate Planning

In these turbulent economic times, many are postponing their Estate Planning. They are making a big mistake, because as we know, the only things that are certain are death and taxes.

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Estate Planning

Why Everyone Needs a Plan

Without a proper Estate Plan, the California Courts and California State Law will determine who will make major decisions for you when you are unable to make those decisions because of your incapacity. This legal process is called a Conservatorship.

The California Courts and California State Law will also determine who will receive your assets when you die, if you do not have a proper Estate Plan. This legal process is called Probate. The California Courts will decide who will take care of your minor children if both of their parents die without naming a Guardian in a Will.

The California Courts will charge your Estate a Probate Fee, according to California State Law, if after your death, they must settle your Estate in the California Court System. This Website includes information on California Probate Fees.

This Website is organized by how the information is presented, and then by the estate planning topic: Start with my Frequently Asked Estate Planning Questions (FAQs) to familiarize yourself with basic concepts and current tax and probate laws. If you have a little more time, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy my on-line resources.

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1300 Clay Street, Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612
Law Office Location of Conwella M. Byrd Attorney in Oakland, California

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